Author: admin As Dems line up behind the Green New Deal, it's time to see it for what it is - a thinly-veiled socialist takeover of America. Climate change is just the smoke screen. Follow Debbie Georgatos! WEBSITE: FACEBOOK: Author of Ladies, Can We Talk, a book that inspires women to recognize our... The Democrats are pushing H.R. 1, aka Nationwide Election Fraud. Hear about the ludicrous power grab they're trying to pull off! Follow Debbie Georgatos! WEBSITE: FACEBOOK: Author of Ladies, Can We Talk, a book that inspires women to recognize our influence on our country’s future, through our power in the voting... Democrats finally do the right thing and call out one of their own? Perhaps, but it's definitely for the wrong reasons. Follow Debbie Georgatos! WEBSITE: FACEBOOK: Author of Ladies, Can We Talk, a book that inspires women to recognize our influence on our country’s future, through our power in the voting booth,... Democrats finally do the right thing and call out one of their own? Perhaps, but it's definitely for the wrong reasons. Follow Debbie Georgatos! WEBSITE: FACEBOOK: Author of Ladies, Can We Talk, a book that inspires women to recognize our influence on our country’s future, through our power in the voting...

Articles reviewed in preparation for the February 11th show: Pelosi, Dem Leaders condemn Rep. Omar for Anti-Semitic language  The Facts about H.R.1 – the For the People Act GREEN NEW DEAL Would Barely Change Earth’s Temperature.  Here are the Facts Ocasio-Cortez’s Green New Deal Would Cost 8,000 Times as Much as Trump’s Border Wall... A west coast college falls victim to liberal lunacy on the American peoples' dime. Follow Debbie Georgatos! WEBSITE: FACEBOOK: Author of Ladies, Can We Talk, a book that inspires women to recognize our influence on our country’s future, through our power in the voting booth, and our increased participation in the national... NPR "fact checks" the President's State of the Union, but in doing so reveal their liberal biases. You won't believe what they try to pass for "facts"! Follow Debbie Georgatos! WEBSITE: FACEBOOK: Author of Ladies, Can We Talk, a book that inspires women to recognize our influence on our country’s future,...

Articles reviewed in preparation for the February 7th show: When Fact Checkers Lie State of the Union Fact Check: What Trump Got Right and Wrong Fact Check: Trump’s State of the Union Address  (by NPR)   Democrat Politics of Destruction Boomerangs back in the state of Virginia Mark Herring, Virginia’s Democratic Attorney General, Admits He Also...