22 Jul SCOTUS: Barrett & Kavanaugh under fire | First Five 7.21.21
SCOTUS: Barrett & Kavanaugh under fire...
SCOTUS: Barrett & Kavanaugh under fire...
America, Can We Talk? Mon-Wed at 3pm CST...
Macron U-turn on Vac Passport...
TX Rep - Audit the Vote!...
Interview with former military intelligence officer Captain Seth Keshel...
Barrett and Kavanaugh seem to be caving to the left...
America, Can We Talk? Mon-Wed at 3pm CST...
The incomparable Victor Davis Hanson, writing at American Greatness. Every American adult should consider Dr. Hanson a 'must read' for historical perspective and fulsome understanding of what is going on. There will then be rising hope for America...
Election audits have been proposed in Texas' 13 most populous counties. EVERY TEXAN should support this. Seth Keshel is becoming a household name and a national hero. Tune in to learn why. Macron had to back off from his vaccine passport because of populist opposition. Keep it up....
Amnesty Scheme in Infrastructure...