04 Aug Great American Mom & CRT | First Five 8.4.21
Great American Mom & CRT...
Great American Mom & CRT...
Kevin McGary, President of Every Black Life Matters...
UN investigates Racism in America...
Patriotic Olympic Winner...
The American Thinker website is a great source of exactly what its name implies: serious commentary from people (probably most all of whom are Americans) who are thinkers. We don't know Steve McCann, but his post reproduced below goes a long way toward explaining why 'vaccine hesitancy' is not a mark...
Maricopa Arrogance VS Dominion Whistleblower | First Five 8.3.21...
Impeach Biden Over the Border? | Debbie Discusses 8.3.21...
Fourth Capitol Riot Cop Commits Suicide | Debbie Discusses 8.3.21...
Lori Roman, President of ACRU -American Constitutional Rights Union | ACWT Interview 8.3.21...
Maricopa Arrogance VS Dominion Whistleblower; Lori Roman; 4th Capitol Riot Cop Commits Suicide; Impeach Biden? 8.3.21...