Author: admin

Click on any of the words in dark red font below to go directly to the show clips described. Mark Your Calendars Now for September 18th!      We are hosting our Second Annual America Can We Talk Women for Freedom Summit in Dallas, Saturday September 18th, featuring extraordinary speakers (partial list below) and serious conversation about preserving freedom...

My Very Fine Friends, The anti-American left is obsessed with fomenting racial division under the guise of trying to address supposed systemic racism. The truth about America is that it is filled with noble, just, and good people of every race and skin color who try their best to treat each other with dignity and respect, which...

UPDATE - July 23, 2021 Links to this video with Dr. David E. Martin are proliferating as suspicion and disgust increasingly engulfs Dr. Fauci.  For those who really want to dig deep into the unspeakable evil and corruption that is the 'plandemic', watch this video.  Dr. Martin is what an intelligent,...