Author: admin

Saw your Facebook post today, calling for Trump to apologize for his remarks about the Charlottesville riots, predicting an unraveling of our national fabric absent such an apology and absent a clear statement that racists were 100% responsible for the violence in that city. Well, let’s get some bona fides on...

Destroying symbols and statues of the Confederacy is all the rage in the Antifa movement and in Left Wing America. But what will the tearing down accomplish, and what will that violent destruction really destroy?   The tearing down will accomplish nothing except feeding the appetite for more destruction.  These Antifa and...

House Democrat leaders of the black, Hispanic, Asian and progressive caucus groups, and their media allies—rapidly morphing into a DC DemocratMob—wrote a ululating letter to President Trump yesterday urging/demanding that he fire Steve Bannon, Stephen Miller and Sebastian Gorka, supposedly because their continued presence in the White House is emboldening...