03 Jun Remembering on Memorial Day | Debbie Discusses 6.1.21
Remembering on Memorial Day...
Remembering on Memorial Day...
Courts Reject Biden’s Racial Bigotry...
Winsome Sears, Candidate for VA Joins me...
Parades for Trump vs Pathetic Paul Ryan...
America, Can We Talk? Mon-Wed at 3pm CST...
America, Can We Talk? Mon-Wed at 3pm CST...
A TikTok video has put the lie to CRT in a way that a thousand op-eds never will. Tune in to listen to Meg Bakich and Lynn Davenport--informed, conservative women who understand CRT like few others. Kamala Harris is now the 'czar' for protecting voting rights in America. What could go...
Memorial Day Trump boat parades in Florida...
Parades for Trump vs Pathetic Paul Ryan Trump Fires Back at Paul Ryan: ‘Curse to the Republican Party’ Paul Ryan Calls on GOP to Lessen Reliance on Trump Winsome Sears, Candidate for VA Joins me WinsomeSears.com For Lt Gov of VA Courts Reject Biden’s Racial Bigotry 6th Circuit Issues Stinging Rejection of Biden’s Race-Based ‘American Rescue Plan’ Stopping...
Historical perspective is valuable, especially when it comes from Dr. Victor Davis Hanson. FTA: "...