Author: admin

5th Generation Warfare: You’re the Target & America‘s the Victim COVID & Fear & Vaxes Transgenderism & The War on Children Ukrainian leak TDS Riots & Crime Follow Debbie Georgatos! WEBSITE: FACEBOOK: America Can We Talk is a show with a mission — to speak up for the extraordinary and unique greatness of America. I talk...

Suspected levels of Fed infiltration on J6 continues to rise. Reeks of the deliberate staging of the ‘Whitmer kidnap’ plot. Fed appeals court throwing doubt on J6 prosecutors’ main tool, “Obstructing an official proceeding’ as a felony against those who walked peacefully. #J6 #Lies #Prosecutors #AmericaMatters...

In this First Five, Debbie gives us a tease of how leftism might be killing America, a Texas Uber conviction, San Francisco Whole Foods shut downs (& more), and the FBI possibly spying on Catholics. #Uber #Texas #SanFrancisco #WholeFoods #FBI #Catholics...