Author: ericgeorgatos

Welcome to the AmericaCanWeTalk Weekly Email for the week ending on Friday, December 10th, 2021! Click on any of the words in dark red font below to go directly to the show clips described. Personally … (my weekly note to you): My Very Fine Friends, We are living in an extraordinarily consequential time in American history.  The under-the-radar movement of radical anti-American leftism, active for...

My Very Fine Friends,   We are living in an extraordinarily consequential time in American history.  The under-the-radar movement of radical anti-American leftism, active for 100 years, has ideologically invaded in slithering snake-like fashion, and overtaken, our universities, our education system from K-12, Hollywood, government, some churches, media and journalism, and even our basic American culture and fabric.      Abandonment of the idea of...

Why CROWDS @ Clay Clark Events?   Clay Clark – Tulsa-based, very successful entrepreneur Great lifelong instincts for reading consumer needs and desires Podcasting powerhouse Christian, American patriot With the onset of covid, Clark began to ‘read the tea leaves’; saw the agenda of the radical left and its assault on freedom,...