Author: ericgeorgatos

From Candace Owens (although you can find the same links all over social media): The Project Veritas video is nothing short of amazing. Everyone please head over to youtube and watch it in its entirety. #ExposeFauci Join @CandaceOnFire! ____________________ We're still absorbing this news.  But at this writing, and if the documents cited in the video...

Stroll Through Nov 2020 Election   Americans have recognized ‘smoking guns’ of election fraud since November 3, 2020 Five swing states stop vote-counting late at night…Trump ahead in all five…after vote resumption, Trump loses all five Trump won 18 out of 19 ‘bellwether counties’ Trump gained 11+M votes from 2016 to 2020…unprecedented...

Woman Files Suit Alleging Assault, Battery and Excessive Force at Hands of DC Police on Jan. 6 As Georgia ballot harvesting probe starts, some election evidence has vanished already GA Opens Investigation Into Potential Systematic 2020 Election Ballot Harvesting: Subpoenas on the Table...

Adults paying attention have sensed for a long time that nothing about the pandemic or the pandemic response (up to and including January 2022) has seemed 'normal' or natural.  Too much about it seems orchestrated, hyped, planned, sequenced.   Such adults keep wondering who to believe, who to trust, to make...

Welcome to the AmericaCanWeTalk Weekly Email for the week ending on Friday, January 7th, 2022!         Click on any of the words in dark red font below to go directly to the show clips described. Happy New Year!  Scroll down and read all about our NEW membership plan for this New Year! Personally … (my weekly note to you): My...

My Very Fine Friends,      I LOVE that 2022 has arrived! Somehow this new year already feels full of hope.     Liberty-loving patriots have a long, important, purposeful to-do list in this new year, or we could call them New Year's Resolutions, to do our part to preserve and protect America. To defend it against the radical left that is abusing its power in Washington DC. This...

Supreme Court justices heard arguments today about the legality of federal vaccine mandates.  Questioning by the justices--and yes, especially by the liberal justices--show just how enormous the price America is paying for having lost all semblance of an objective media. Their questions show an absolutely stunning level of ignorance about covid. ...

From the Patriot Post (bold italics added): “Vaccines prevent one from becoming infected with a disease and prevent the transmission of the disease to others. … A significant portion of those now testing positive for the virus has been ‘vaccinated’; a sizeable fraction has been boosted as well. Moreover, additional millions have contracted...

If you are not subscribed to and following Dr. Robert Malone's Telegram channel, you are missing a tremendous opportunity to observe the raw power of intelligence, truth, honesty and decency. Dr. Malone, as has been noted in multiple posts on this website, is the inventor of mRNA vaccines, is vaccinated himself,...

Few pundits can match the intellectual and 'articulation' horsepower of Mark Steyn.  His column on the one-year anniversary of the January 6, 2021 'activities' at the US Capitol (reproduced below) is primarily composed of reviewing his written observations of that day...