Author: ericgeorgatos

The video below was produced by Bernie Sanders supporter Mike Orfalea and described in this post by Thomas Lifson at American Thinker.  The words attributed to the individual scientists are their own; sources are provided by Orfalea.  He's clearly fed up. America desperately needs a full reckoning of the institutional handling...

We've noted before:  Don Surber is an old-school, West Virginia based retired journalist with a hugh internet following.  His latest post captures the resentment and rebellion building in this country as Americans are exposed daily to a DOJ, FBI and White House that lie every day, all day, about everything,...

Sam Faddis, whether intended or not, has driven home a key point in his latest post:  "Biden's End Game, Kensington, Pennsylvania".  America can only be saved and restored when enough sentient American adults finally recognize--and rise up and insist on the removal of--the abject criminality and treasonous agenda of the...

Not sure whether Ted Nugent wrote this or just found it and posted it (probably the latter), but its brilliant, simple and cuts right to the chase: ...

Welcome to the AmericaCanWeTalk Weekly Email for the week ending on Friday, June 30th, 2023!         Click on any of the words in dark red font below to go directly to the show clips described.   FRIENDS!  The Summer Schedule for AmericaCanWeTalk is here!    In July and August, we’ll go to two days a week, Tuesdays...

Hello My Very Fine Friends,     July 4th, Independence Day, celebrates an extraordinary step in human history and in the struggle for human freedom —  the passage of the Declaration of Independence by the Continental Congress on July 4th, 1776.  The signers of the Declaration showed enormous courage by signing on, as did the Continental Congress by passing it.   I LOVE July 4th - the flags sprouting up in front...

Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas is an American national treasure, a light now shining more brightly than ever before as the Supreme Court--under his intellectual and moral leadership--appears increasingly devoted to an 'originalist' view of the Constitution. Justice Thomas' concurring opinion in the case that struck down affirmative action shows a...

July 4th 2026 = 250 Years!   Trump is right to call for a YUGE celebration of 250th anniversary of July 4th…in 2026 ØAn aspirational goal of American renewal needed by all Americans But make no mistake— Whether there will be anything left of America worth celebrating…is an open question Between now and then, America...