Author: ericgeorgatos

Did you know that thousands and more likely millions of Venezuelan citizens are still marching in the streets, protesting not only President Maduro’s theft of their July 28th presidential election, but more broadly protesting socialism/communism and the misery that system is inflicting on them?   Following Hugo Chavez taking power in 1999,...

Seth Keshel is a friend of ACWT; a brilliant election data analyst; and a growing 'influencer'. In every election cycle, media in search of clicks put out stories of the lifelong partisan ['R'] or ['D'] who after a profound struggle of conscience, has found the light and will courageously be voting...

The case against former Mesa County Clerk and Recorder Tina Peters will be turned over to a Grand Junction Colorado jury this coming week.   She should be acquitted.   Tina Peters was (over)charged with seven felonies and three misdemeanors stemming from actions taken in 2021, at a time of widespread concerns about electronic...

This is reposted, not to discourage but to remind. Americans are resolved again to preserve their national foundation for living in freedom under God. The tyranny to be overcome is within; it is a mentality that has taken hold in the Deep State that is as old as the Egyptian Pharoah:  that mankind...