Author: ericgeorgatos

Why CROWDS @ Clay Clark Events?   Clay Clark – Tulsa-based, very successful entrepreneur Great lifelong instincts for reading consumer needs and desires Podcasting powerhouse Christian, American patriot With the onset of covid, Clark began to ‘read the tea leaves’; saw the agenda of the radical left and its assault on freedom,...

Why CROWDS @ Clay Clark Events?  Re-Awaken America Tour Trailer with Clay Clark Re-Awaken America Tour Film Trailer   Joy and Matt Thayer in studio: Re-Awaken Tour Film, Spero Pictures   Leftist Agenda Killing America Death by Politics...

Epoch Times has the story, here. This kind of behavior--the FDA wanting to withhold vaccine trial data for 75 years--shouldn't pass the 'straight face' test.  Anyone with even the tiniest amount of common sense ought to get a creepy feeling that this ain't right. If your desire is for everyone to get...

Selwyn Duke often contributes to American Thinker.  Always insightful and intelligent.  His latest is reproduced below.  But in describing the Smollett case, he cited a quote from Upton Sinclair that explains a whole lot of what America is experiencing from her 'institutions', including those charged with responsibility for 'public health'. From...

80th Anniversary of Japan’s Attack on America   December 7, 1941 – The single event that served as the unmistakable wake-up call to the “sleeping giant” The sleeping giant was/is the American people, NOT elected officials or bureaucrats   December 7, 2021 – Millions of Americans are awake to the Marxist attack that is every bit as serious...

80th Anniversary of Japan’s Attack on America 101-Year-Old Pearl Harbor Survivor Returns to Hawaii with the Help of a Former NFL Star FDR’s “Day of Infamy” Speech Transcript of FRD “Day of Infamy” Speech   Frank Gaffney Joins me: China’s Attack on America China Seeks First Military Base on Africa’s Atlantic Coast, U.S. Intelligence Finds  Stephen Bryen surveys...

We don't know who Martyr Made is, although he apparently has a podcast and identifies himself as "Co-host of The Unraveling w/Jocko Willink".  But his personality isn't as important as his substance.  Rarely have we seen such penetrating and thorough insight in so few (relatively) twitter words. And as dark as...