Author: ericgeorgatos

BOB in Europe & What Time It Is in America   The Band of Brothers responded to a clear physical assault on America and freedom They knew their cause was just and righteous They were not fearless; they fought despite their fears…which IS courage They were aided by an ‘underground’ of support...

Xi Van Fleet is a personal friend.  She spoke at the second Women for Freedom Summit in 2021.  She knows what she's talking about.  She's sounding the right warning, loud and clear.  Listen to her--

Jeff Lukens (not a personal acquaintance) is a serious spiritual thinker.   That he's apparently a West Point graduate and US Army veteran makes his commentary all the more valuable and noteworthy. From the article on American Thinker: The problems of America today cannot be solved by politicians or our broken culture.  We need...

Want a whole lot of truth and perspective in less than five minutes?  Have a listen to this excerpt from Adam Carolla's recent interview of Tucker Carlson.  (YouTube will probably take the full interview down soon.) Understanding the scope and sophistication of the 2020 election steal is the beginning step of...

The astonishing, debilitating moral stupor of these times is captured brilliantly by Dr. Victor Davis Hanson in his latest post on American Greatness. One can only hope that the clearer and more accurate the diagnosis of America's disease, the closer we are to finding the antidote. From the article: Can Americans even comprehend...