Author: ericgeorgatos

NO charges for Colbert’s Capitol Invasion Staffers Breaking: Charges Of “Illegal Entry” For Stephen Colbert Staffers That Breached U.S. Capitol Dropped Justice Department Designates Obstruction as an Act of Terror    Wade Miller joins me: NDAA & Vax Mandate AND Abbott’s Border    Congressmen respond to votes on National Defense Authorization Act  This is no time...

America Has Reached NO Compromise Zone   The ‘no compromise’ list of issues is growing Gender transitioning of children Open borders Voter ID Hollowing out the US military Defunding police; decriminalizing everything thru leftist DAs Climate change=>absolute control of life Vaccine mandates   ‘Middle ground’/room for compromise disappearing Politicians in the 1850’s tried to ‘kick...

America Has Reached NO Compromise Zone  Fighting back against COVID and Climate Change tyranny    The Vicious Left Exposed: Bannon vs Holder Attorney General Holder Held in Contempt (from 2012)  Jury selection begins in Bannon trial over failure to comply with Jan. 6 committee subpoenas    Biden’s 30by30 Climate Tyranny  FACT SHEET: President Biden Takes Executive Actions to Tackle...

Welcome to the AmericaCanWeTalk Weekly Email for the week ending on Friday, July 15th, 2022!    Click on any of the words in dark red font below to go directly to the show clips described.   WE HAVE GREAT NEWS! Tickets are now available for our October 15, 2022  Third Annual Women f0r Freedom Summit in Dallas!  You can now purchase a...

My Very Fine Friends,     This week there was a huge development in the mission to expose climate change as a political power-grabbing alarmist agenda, rather than a genuine scientific concern.   Two prominent, highly degreed and educated scientists, Dr. William Happer, a PhD and Physics professor emeritus from Princeton University, and Dr. Richard Lindzen, a Harvard PhD who is...

Neil Oliver of the UK is rising to a league of his own as the authentic voice of everyday people everywhere.  His latest just nails the extraordinarily depressing state of what constitutes political 'leadership' in the western world.  'Mind-numbed robots' was the term Rush used for the college-indoctrinated.  But it's...

Climate Truth Explosion   SEC proposing to expand public company require disclosure re effects of climate change on business operations Eminent physicists/professors/climate experts from Princeton and MIT reply on the record “AS CAREER PHYSICISTS, SCIENCE DEMONSTRATES THERE IS NO CLIMATE RELATED RISK CAUSED BY FOSSIL FUELS AND CO2, THUS NO SCIENTIFIC BASIS FOR...

Climate Truth Explosion The global warming fraud revealed in one graph  Comment and Declaration on the SEC’s Proposed Rule “The Enhancement and Standardization of Climate-Related Disclosures for Investors,” William Happer (Princeton), and Richard Lindzen (MIT)   Climate Truth Explosion Consequences Sri Lanka shows what happens when we follow radical environmentalist principles Political Corruption in the Netherlands...

Hispanics & NYT: “Far Right” Lies   Hispanics naturally gravitating to MAGA agenda Culturally – church-goers, pro-life Recently elected TX Cong. Mayra Flores ran on “God, family, country’ Several more Hispanic candidates running in TX as Republican NYT/left insists that people must be defined by skin color and ethnicity…Hispanics = Dems Christians, in...