Author: ericgeorgatos

Supreme Court justices heard arguments today about the legality of federal vaccine mandates.  Questioning by the justices--and yes, especially by the liberal justices--show just how enormous the price America is paying for having lost all semblance of an objective media. Their questions show an absolutely stunning level of ignorance about covid. ...

From the Patriot Post (bold italics added): “Vaccines prevent one from becoming infected with a disease and prevent the transmission of the disease to others. … A significant portion of those now testing positive for the virus has been ‘vaccinated’; a sizeable fraction has been boosted as well. Moreover, additional millions have contracted...

If you are not subscribed to and following Dr. Robert Malone's Telegram channel, you are missing a tremendous opportunity to observe the raw power of intelligence, truth, honesty and decency. Dr. Malone, as has been noted in multiple posts on this website, is the inventor of mRNA vaccines, is vaccinated himself,...

Few pundits can match the intellectual and 'articulation' horsepower of Mark Steyn.  His column on the one-year anniversary of the January 6, 2021 'activities' at the US Capitol (reproduced below) is primarily composed of reviewing his written observations of that day...

Connecting Covid Dots   The covid pandemic as a ‘plandemic’ is concerning more and more Americans Big Govt, Big Health, Big Pharma, and Big Tech want to dismiss this as conspiracy theory But lots of ‘dots’ accumulating Coronavirus gene-sequencing patents in early 2000’s Fauci predicts in 2017 that a pandemic will occur during...

Dr. Robert Malone drew attention to this essay this morning; in his words, "it is beautifully written, heartwarming, uplifting. It may help bring the sides together." We won't reproduce it in full in this post; you can click through to read it yourself HERE. It's long...

Illegal Aliens Fly Free: Message?   Biden admin is flying planes full of illegal immigrants—mostly in the dark of night—from the southern border to places all over America No covid testing of the illegal immigrants No mandatory vaccination of the illegal immigrants Little or no demand for valid ID from illegal immigrants THERE...

Illegal Aliens Fly Free: Message?  Biden Administration Quietly Flies Illegal Immigrants to New York in Middle of Night: Report  Flights carrying illegal immigrants now landing in Pennsylvania: reports  Governor Ron DeSantis Announces Proposals to Stop the Flow of Illegal Aliens and Protect Floridians from the Ongoing Biden Border Crisis    Prep for January 6th Anniversary  Pelosi Is...