Author: ericgeorgatos

Hello My Very Fine Friends,  One of the most profound and consequential reminders from the Bible and from human history is that in the midst of major struggles and overwhelming threats, when you can’t know how the story will end, you keep moving forward. You keep praying and  fighting and trying and working and doing. You don’t quit in the middle. Joseph didn’t know when he...

Famous Navy Seal Announces DETRANSITIONING   Navy Seal Chris Beck ‘de-transitions’ from attempting to be a woman Now demands a stop to any and all transitioning of children “Trans” ideology has been sweeping the USA and the globe Seems akin to the mesmerism and mass psychosis of covid fear… …as illustrated especially when a super-masculine...

Famous Navy Seal Announces DETRANSITIONING Famous Transgender Navy SEAL Chris Beck Announces Detransition, Calls For Treatments On Kids To Stop   Dr. Miriam Grossman Joins Me Detransitioner Chloe Cole Announces Intent To Sue Kaiser Permanente For ‘Experimental’ Hormones And Surgery 5 percent of young adults identify as trans or nonbinary, survey says Antifa Aims to Disrupt Florida...

TWITTER FILES EXPLOSION   Musk’s exposure of the ‘Twitter Files” causes major weekend upheaval, still reverberating Legacy leftwing media refuses to cover the story, but they can’t stop the spread of it Twitter Files show active collaboration and ‘collusion’ among Twitter, DNC, Biden campaign to control relevant presidential campaign news Criminal intent to violate...

TWITTER FILES EXPLOSION Censorship by surrogate: Why Musk’s document dump could be a game changer Thread: The Twitter Files Sorry, Donald: Here are the real takeaways from the Twitter Files Public Statement on the Hunter Biden Emails Ex-Intelligence Officials Who Said Hunter Biden Laptop Story Was a Russian Operation Silent After Twitter Files Released   FBI ADMITS...

Welcome to the AmericaCanWeTalk Weekly Email for the week ending on Friday, December 2nd, 2022! Click on any of the words in dark red font below to go directly to the show clips described.   Personally … (my weekly column for you!)   Hello My Very Fine Friends,     The FBI admitted in a deposition this week to coordinating (colluding?) with social media...

Hello My Very Fine Friends,    The FBI admitted in a deposition this week to coordinating (colluding?) with social media and tech giants to instruct them to block and remove content under the guise of combating “misinformation,” which conveniently for them, they get to define.     This deposition took place pursuant to a lawsuit filed by Louisiana Attorney General Jeff Landry...

Balenciaga: Perversion so Normalized They Couldn’t See It   High-end fashion magazine Balenciaga went all-in with glorification of sexualizing children Repulsive photos of children throughout recent issue of the magazine No chance whatsoever that magazine editors were clueless…they know their customer base Public uproar forced ‘apology’ from editors …but not b/c this is...