Dr. Mark McDonald has been a guest on America Can We Talk...
Welcome to the AmericaCanWeTalk Weekly Email for the week ending on Friday, February 18th, 2022! Click on any of the words in dark red font below to go directly to the show clips described. Personally … (my weekly note to you): My Very Fine Friends, When four Republican United States Senators walked away this week from the opportunity to defund the vaccine mandates,...
My Very Fine Friends, When four Republican United States Senators walked away this week from the opportunity to defund the vaccine mandates, they thumbed their noses at one of the top freedom issues facing America today. And at the American people. When Senators Romney, Graham, Inhofe, and Burr chose to skip town and avoid voting to stand up...
Seth Keshel has been a guest on America Can We Talk? and a speaker at ACWT's Summit 2.0 "Women for Freedom" conference last September. And he'll be a guest again soon! American heroes from the Revolutionary War era--Sam Adams, Patrick Henry, Nathan Hale--take on near-mythical greatness over time, when the reality...
Kurt Schlichter is one of the more fiery and sarcastic columnists in the conservative world...
America as The Truman Show Jim Carrey’s “Truman Burbank” character was played/fooled his entire life…by ‘masterminds’ The American people are feeling like Truman Burbank…w/govt and media masterminds ‘Trump colluded with Russia’ – NO he didn’t No one spied on Trump’s campaign – YES they did The Mueller investigation was legit – NO...
America as The Truman Show Congressional Candidate Drew-Montez Clark Joins Me Drew Montez for Congress website “Violent” Truckers Sing Amazing Grace & Say “NO” Canadian truckers react to Ontario easing COVID-19 restrictions: 'That's not enough' Malone Trudeau Video Premier Ford statement FDA Official Video FDA Executive Officer on Hidden Camera Reveals Future COVID Policy: ‘Biden Wants To Inoculate...
Sometimes helpful to recognize that as bad and 'unprecedented' as everything seems to be these days, maybe it's not so new after all. The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of...