Author: ericgeorgatos

Can Faith Be a Crime?   Finnish Lutheran pastor affirms Bible teaching that marriage = 1 man + 1 woman …’violates the equality and dignity’ of LGBT community Canada bans ‘conversion therapy’, including parents voicing opinions to their children …because the Bible is a myth England street pastor arrested for ‘crime’ of saying...

Can Faith Be a Crime?  Emulating Islam: The Left’s War on the Christian Cross LGBTQ activists are vigorously attacking Christianity Finnish Bishop and Politician Face Trial for LGBT Statements    Lathan Watts: Director of Public Affairs, First Liberty Institute joins me Go All In With Coach Kennedy  Breaking: Federal Court Grants Injunction for Navy SEALs Challenging DoD...

Dr. Robert Malone is emerging as an exceptional American patriot at just the right time.  Worth a minute+ of your time. Brings to mind Winston Churchill: "Truth is incontrovertible, ignorance can deride it, panic may resent it, malice may destroy it, but there it is." ______________________

Karens Gone Crazy   White women assault black man in an elevator… …because he was not wearing a mask …they shout ‘black lives matter’ to make clear they only hate him for not wearing a mask Americans are paying an enormous price for the mass hysteria and mask hysteria their own govt imposed on this...

Texting Tuesday & Events Calendar Anthony Sabatini: Patriots Karens Gone Crazy Two women show how completely insane COVID mania has driven people    Sen. Johnson’s “Second Opinion Panel” Sen. Ron Johnson Hosts “Second Opinion” Panel on America’s Problematic Pandemic Response Link to Sen Ron Johnson’s 5-Hour Second Opinion Panel...

Take 6+ minutes of your time to listen below to a segment of Senator Ron Johnson's hearing today titled "Covid-19: A Second Opinion". In this clip, attorney Thomas Renz testified that he has sworn affidavits from doctors in the US military that confirm out-and-out lying by the American public health establishment...

Marches Matter! March for Life   Friday, January 21st—The 49th March for Life— Launched after Roe v. Wade in 1973…which is now squarely in front of SCOTUS for reconsideration 49 years of marches are a testament to: The spirit of America that does NOT defer to govt as supreme moral authority ...

Marches Matter! March for Life Thousands gather for the March for Life protest, as Supreme Court weighs Roe v. Wade   “Defeat the Mandates” DC Protest Transcript of Dr. Malone’s Speech COVID Declaration Now Backed by More Than 17,000 Doctors and Medical Scientists Around the World   Spirit of Freedom ALL Over the World WATCH: UK Healthcare Workers...

Welcome to the AmericaCanWeTalk Weekly Email for the week ending on Friday, January 21st, 2022!      Click on any of the words in dark red font below to go directly to the show clips described. Personally … (my weekly note to you): My Very Fine Friends, One of the most plainspoken yet entertaining members of the United States Senate, GOP Senator John...