Author: ericgeorgatos

Fox Settles with Dominion   $787.5M settlement utterly detached from the truth and justice But serves the Deep State interest of seeming to legitimize the stolen 2020 election Evidence of 2020 election rigging via machines is overwhelming and growing Truth has no agenda, and inevitably will ‘out’ Ramifications of a legal system—judges, lawyers, and...

Fox Settles with Dominion Fox settlement a 'big step forward in democracy,' Dominion CEO says in exclusive ABC News interview The Feds Come for Fox News by Emerald Robinson   Shannon Ayres Joins Me Mother reprimanded for reading a book aloud containing underage sex scenes in a school library West Texas A&M University President Walter Wendler...

Truth About America: Barbarians Needed   @American Thinker: “With the Barbarians in the Gates, We May Need Our Own Barbarians” The message WWII could only be won when America’s toughest military leaders were unleashed Nothing but the enemy beaten into unconditional surrender was acceptable American patriots of 2023 must draw lines in the sand Not...

Truth About America: Barbarians Needed With the Barbarians in the Gates, We May Need Our Own Barbarians   Fox Surrenders in Dominion Defamation Lawsuit The Feds Come for Fox News by Emerald Robinson   NYC Judiciary Hearing:  Bragg Confronted Chaos as protesters crash Republican hearing for New York crime victims: Bodega worker who stabbed thief in self-defense...

Few lawsuits exemplify the upside-down condition of America's justice system, and the moral bankruptcy of corporate America and the media, than the defamation lawsuit brought by Dominion Voting Systems against Fox News for allegedly defamatory comments made by various Fox reporters and commentators in connection with questions raised about the...

5th Gen Warfare:  You’re the Target & America‘s the Victim   Psyops and 5G Warfare – What is going on?  Who is pulling the strings? Popular icon of the black community – Donald Trump – demonized by MSM into a raving racist Russia collusion fixed the 2016 election – a total fabricated hoax Obvious...

5th Generation Warfare: You’re the Target & America‘s the Victim Elon Musk Says GOVT had full access to everything that was going on at Twitter, even DMs   COVID & Fear & Vaxes Transgenderism & The War on Children The Bill Comes Due - Our Children Are Paying The Price For Our War On The Family 5%...