Author: ericgeorgatos

Absolutely spot on brilliant, and Neil Oliver's six+ minutes are deep, thoughtful and inspiring.  Worth your time. ____________________ The Importance of Fellowship and What Happens When Vaccine Passport Rules Creating Second Class Citizens are Demanded By "Sundance" at Conservative Treehouse Every word of this monologue by Neil Oliver is so true.  I hope you will watch...

Every Democrat voted against a mandate to vaccinate those crossing the border. Every single one. Tell me more about the science. — Carmine Sabia (@CarmineSabia) September 16, 2021 ...

Newsom Recall Vote   Viral CNN video captures real-time reduction of Larry Elder vote total by over 350,000 EXACTLY the same thing that happened in 2018 election results in Kentucky Gov. race. Answers needed … No CA official answers for multiple reports of false ‘already-voted’ records Huge late surge of Newsom’s popularity in...

Newsom Recall Vote:  Elder Rising   Larry Elder takes overwhelming polling lead over alternatives to Newsom Leftist race card goes whacko:  Elder is ‘the black face of white supremacy’ Mail-in voting is being used; abuse is almost certain Stories of voting irregularities proliferating… Voters going to the polls for early voting… …told that records...

Newsom Recall Vote:  Elder Rising Over 300 California Recall Election Ballots Found in Passed Out Man's Car Column: Larry Elder is the Black face of white supremacy. You’ve been warned Republican recall frontrunner Larry Elder called 'Black face of white supremacy'   Dr. Alveda King joins me Alveda King Announces the Launch of New Pro-Life Organization, Speak...

It's difficult for many of us living in the Lone Star state to come to grips with who and what George W. Bush has over time revealed himself to be, but Mark Steyn helps in the post below.    Bush leaves no doubt:  America's peril is a product of the...