Author: ericgeorgatos

Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn flagged this post--"Self-Worship is the World's Fastest Growing Religion"--on his Telegram channel. Lt. Gen. Flynn understands that the deeper picture of what's going on involves spiritual warfare as well as information warfare, and at the core of the spiritual warfare is the question of whether Americans are...

Andrew Sullivan is known as a great writer who would never be confused with a Christian conservative. He also happens to live the qualities of honesty and integrity, which is clearly evident in this piece.  It could have been posted as a further update to 'Rittenhouse, Summarized' but deserves special posting. ________________________ When...

A very interesting, upbeat piece from Patrick Byrne about the lawsuit to be filed with SCOTUS on the Tuesday before Thanksgiving. We haven't seen the lawsuit, and only marginally can claim to know Patrick Byrne.  But our sense about Byrne has always been that along with being an extraordinarily bright and...

A pretty good summary of the Twilight Zone irrationality we are living through: And don't forget this testimony in the United States Senate from December 2020 (that's December 2020!).  As you watch it, do you think Dr. Kory is a quack?  Insincere?  Do you sense from him a hidden agenda or...

Perhaps America's greatest living historian, Dr. Victor Davis Hanson is always a good read.  His latest post on American Greatness, is reproduced below. Excerpts: Five years ago, the New York Times, the Washington Post, most of the mainstream media, and the majority of the bipartisan Washington. D.C. political and government establishments insisted that Donald...

Ignore that Court Order!!   Biden’s Press Sec tells businesses to proceed with vaccine mandates in defiance of      5th Cir. TRO – which warned of ‘grave statutory and constitutional issues’ w/ mandate This is abject defiance of the rule of law…it mocks the Constitution’s separation of powers…it is the raw exercise...