Author: ericgeorgatos

My Very Fine Friends,     In a little-reported but very consequential vote this past Tuesday, the Nye County Commissioners in Nevada voted unanimously to recommend the elimination of electronic voting machines and for the use of paper ballots only, and that the ballots be counted at the precinct (not centralized) level. In addition, the paper ballots are to be secured with anti-counterfeit measures.    While the vote...

Is there a punishment severe enough for those 'dozens of former [US] intel officials' who whored themselves in support of installing Joe Biden as President? ...

FBI raids Project Veritas reporter   Without Project Veritas journalism, Americans wouldn’t know nearly as much about: ACORN fraud Planned Parenthood trafficking in aborted baby parts Pfizer vaccine dangers FDA malfeasance NYT falsification of January 6th insurrection narrative Yet Biden’s FBI is weaponized v. PV, doing dark-of-night guns-pointed raids of a PV reporter America’s...

FBI raids Project Veritas reporter Video of Unconstitutional FBI Raid on Project Veritas Journalist’s Home; Armed Agents Scream 'Let Me See Your Hands!'   Reggie Littlejohn, Founder & President of Women’s Rights Without Frontiers We must speak out against vaccine passports now, or we’ll get a ‘social credit system’ Conservative Groups Issue Open Letter to...

RealClearPolitics is not known as a right-wing publication; its fairly substantial following probably fancies itself to be moderate, objective and capable of unbiased, critical analysis.  So when this piece was published yesterday, the significance was more in the fact that it was published than in the content of the post. Honest...

Biden’s Bottomless Polling Pit   Seven in 10 Americans think the country is on the wrong track 70% disapproval of Biden re inflation/gas prices Blaming Putin for this isn’t working Nothing Biden is doing is making any sense Shut off domestic oil supplies but try to buy oil from Venezuela? Wide open southern border? Americans’...

Biden’s Bottomless Polling Pit 7 in 10 Americans Say Country On Wrong Track Under Biden, Poll Finds The Republican Guard Prepares Offensive Weapons Against MAGA Influence – The Right Wing of the National UniParty Begins Assembling   Whose Children Are They – DeSantis vs Disney Whose Children Are They? ‘We’re Talking About Young Kids’: Bill Maher...