18 Oct Why It Matters – The October 18th Show
DEMS “GOTCHA” FLOPS, Reveals DEM CLUELESSNESS DEMS attempt their own version of Project Veritas…fail spectacularly Caught on tape!...
DEMS “GOTCHA” FLOPS, Reveals DEM CLUELESSNESS DEMS attempt their own version of Project Veritas…fail spectacularly Caught on tape!...
DEMS “GOTCHA” FLOPS & Reveals DEM CLUELESSNESS Video: Democrats Just Released An Undercover Video Of A Congressman That Reminds Of Project Veritas – Accidentally Make A GOP Ad For The Midterms INTERVIEW WITH Jin Johnson WHO IS STARRS? KANYE LOSES JP Morgan & Gains PARLER Prominent bank abruptly cancels Kanye West, gives him just weeks...
It's been about six months since we last drew attention to Kanekoa the Great--a real journalist emerging from the chaos of the internet. He has seized upon the "Konnech" story of election fraud tied to the Chinese Communist Party. His report is what real journalism used to look like. Chasing facts...
Pfizer NEVER Checked If Vax Stopped Transmission Viral video from EU – Netherlands Rep exchange with Pfizer executive Pfizer executive emphatic that NO tests were done (prior to global roll-out) to determine whether vaccines would stop covid transmission—i.e., ‘stop the spread’ Consider how many ‘experts’ demanded mandatory public vaccination to ‘protect...
Pfizer NEVER Checked Tested if Vax Stopped Transmission Dutch Member of European Parliament Questions Pfizer About COVID Vaccine, the Answer Destroys Foundation for Covid Passport Sophia Galdamez, Former Coast Guard Academy Cadet, Joins Me Pandemic of Vaccine Mind Control Shocking trove of HHS records reveals most aggressive vaccine propaganda campaign EVER: Screenwriters, comedians, church...
Tulsi speaks for Many Women & Democrats Tulsi Gabbard’s withdrawal from Democrat Party is good for America on many levels Prominent woman’s rejection of leftism encourages/validates others who feel the same way Her reasons are all about substance and not personality War-mongering Open borders Hostility to faith and spirituality Racialization of...
Tulsi speaks for Many Women & Democrats Tulsi Gabbard’s October surprise: Bye-bye, Democrats! Voter Registration Deadlines in America Americans Must Permanently Marginalize the Perpetual Adolescents of the American Left Biden warns risk of nuclear 'Armageddon' is highest since Cuban Missile Crisis Interview Kit Whitehill, President Texas Federation of Republican Women TFRW.org Election 2022 is a Battle For...
It’s Columbus Day, America! Columbus Day celebrates a key event in the development of America as the ultimate bastion of human liberty on earth Biden instead celebrates Indigenous People’s Day The LEFT tolerates/condones tear down of Columbus statues The Left’s message is ALWAYS Tear down America Destroy freedom Teach American children to hate...
It’s Columbus Day, America! Virginia School Celebrates Columbus Day With A History-Erasing ‘Equity’ Lecture Stoking the Flames of Racism Day Kanye & Candace Spoke for ALL Sane Americans Ye Is Kicked Off Instagram But Welcomed Back to Twitter by Elon Musk After Two-Year Absence Another Racist Biden Program Looks To Help Anyone But Whites PayPal Punished PayPal...
Robert Reich is among the liberals' favorite liberals--with an erudite intellectual smugness that few can match. Reich attempted a mocking, you-can't-be-serious attack on 'election deniers'--and Patrick Byrne, who is nobody's fool in the intellectual realm and is also politically independent--took up the challenge of explaining his view as to why...