Why It Matters

The appointment of Venezuela to the UN Human Rights Council ought to be the final nail…America should not be subsidizing the UN by even one dime. It is a joke; its actions are not contributions to world progress—they pervert the very idea of progress. The Democrats behavior in the impeachment...

Smearing Tulsi Gabbard as a Russian agent is a new low for Hillary Clinton; she seems to have entered dangerously delusional territory. Joseph Mifsud may have CIA-issued cellphones that are now in the possession of Barr/Durham. These phones may unlock the depth and breadth of the Obama administration’s effort to...

A first-hand look at a Dallas rally shows nothing but love for America as the abiding theme…the eltists’ demonizing of President Trump and his deplorable supporters illustrates a ruling class out of touch with the American people on a scale that boggles the mind. Gender reassignment surgery ought to be a...

It’s not the morning news to note that President Trump has broken the mold for Presidential style. But it’s refreshingly authentic, and it’s getting results, including with Turkey’s Erdogan. The Red-Green Axis described by Jim Simpson is understandable, real and dangerous. Elijah Cummings was a mixed bag—there are positives he exemplified,...

Life is good for most Americans in 2019, certainly better than at any time in the last 10 years. Plus there is an awakening going on in America, and one aspect of it is increasing disbelief—nearing complete and absolute disbelief—in the MSM. The result: the utterly fraudulent...

Recognizing media bias was a thing 10-20 years ago. It’s not media bias anymore; it’s outright lying and relentless propaganda. To wit: the fake ABC News video of Syrian hostilities and CNN’s Zucker ordering the news. The only way this will change is if enough Americans...

Historical revisionism against Columbus Day is nothing new from the left…which is always recasting America as evil and racist, and looking the other way as to Islam in world history. The Pelois/Schiff impeachment inquiry is an unconscionable sham, a complete tearing down of the norms of the American rule of law....

The NBA has presented America with a teachable moment…what is the nature of communism v. freedom? Will we see NBA players or Colin Kaepernick kneeling in China in support of Hong Kong freedom fighters? LOL. The true colors of the America-hating left are on full display…in the...

The Dem/media mob is betting on Americans being too ignorant to understand how and why Pelosi is gaming the impeachment process. Bad bet. And Trump has called them on it. Elizabeth Warren gives new meaning to brazenness and shamelessness. Her life as a protected and favored Native American...

The totalitarian instincts and intentions of the modern left are on full display, even at Mar-a-Lago. American free speech rights are being trampled; Americans had better wake up. John Guandolo is one of America’s leading experts on Islamic doctrine and its implications in America. Study up at understandingthethreat.com Chicago is...