Why It Matters

The Senate may surprise Americans by showing some fortitude in confirming Trump's nominee to the SCOTUS. Divisiveness among families, and threats of violence against political opponents are sad but not unusual when freedom is at stake,, as it is in 2020. Kim Klacik is a powerful breath of fresh air in the...

The Jake Gardner case is heart-breaking for America. BLM does not care about black lives; it cares about the Marxist overthrow of America--and if decent people happened to be killed along the way, that's just collateral damage. This is evil, folks. And fighting back against evil appears to be...

Katie Hopkins is a fiery patriot--for Western Civilization, and she is the US through Nov. 3. Look for opportunities to hear her speak! "Cuties" is the left's 'stripper culture is empowerment' idea for little girls. Do the American people still have the will to resist this rot? "Comprehensive Sexuality Education"...