Why It Matters

Teachers and students want to get back to school this fall. Teachers' unions, especially in California, are on a 'hate America' agenda that belies any desire to educate rationally. The unions are just about the leftist overthrow of America under the Constitution. The LA teachers union demands ought to...

Bill Clinton's pardon of Susan Rosenberg and Trump's commutation of Roger Stone's sentence provide yet another vivid illustration of the MSM's unconscionable bias and propaganda. Truly amazing. Americans must not be afraid to speak truth: all lives matter in America, and rising above racism is a right ideal. ...

Lincoln's revered stature is precisely because he led America's resolution of the basic issue of racial equality. BLM and SJWs are about something else--and that is the destruction of Lincoln's legacy and America with it. Obama, Soros, and the NYT in their true light are also about destroying America. ...

American colleges and universities are caving right and left to the ongoing lefist assault on America. We are going to need a better classs of leaders. Dr. Everett Piper joins me for our regular monthly conversation. Dr. Piper led an American college with moral clarity and courage; he's worth...

President Trump's speech at Mt. Rushmore was one for the ages. Trump haters who love America ought to at least read the words. He nailed what's going on and why. Marcellus Wiley is a new American hero, though he probably did not set out to do anything other than...

Seattle's Mayor has received her wake up call, and is dismantling CHOP. So predictable; yet so tragic that it took her this long to recognize lawlessness as lawlessness. Tune in and listen to Nonie Darwish; immigrants often have the greatest appreciation for the uniqueness and goodness of America. A Harvard senior...