Why It Matters

America’s Primary Temperature Taken – Truth Wins   AZ earthquake:  MAGA defeated the UniParty Election Day turnout for Kari Lake swamped the vote-tallying algorithms Mark Finchem—anti-election fraud stalwart—16+ point win for AZ SoS Trump endorsed Blake Masters wins Senate nomination Wendy Rogers landslide 6th anti-Trumper Rusty Bowers lost in primary Kari Lake’s...

Taking America’s Temperature:  Today’s Primaries   Significant primaries in Arizona, Michigan, Kansas, Missouri and Washington state GOPers who voted for Trump impeachment on the ropes MAGA candidates generally leading Kari Lake in AZ Gov race is a bellwether of overt opposition to Deep State A Lake blowout would be a major victory toward restoring...

WEF announces goal: End private car ownership    WEF isn’t being subtle: Goal to end private ownership in the service of fighting ‘climate change’ Urging crack down on farming/fertilizer all over the world Europe, Canada, Sri Lanka implementing draconian limitations Biden still mulling EO to declare ‘climate emergency’ to expand govt powers and...

What Time it is in America & Schedule F Agenda   Reaction to Trump’s “Schedule F”—’extremism’--illustrates Americans’ frustration with elites Schedule F all about re-establishing ‘hire and fire’ authority over public employees No public employees should be unionized No public employees should have ‘tenure’ in public agencies Obama initiated efforts to install leftists in key...

“Export Illegals to DC” Plan is Working   Tx Gov. Abbott shipping border crossers to East Coast (DC and NYC) having intended effect Massive, growing demand for aid swamping state and city capacity… …just as it does in border states and cities Requiring Congress/Senate/WH to live by the laws they pass has long...

NO charges for Colbert’s Capitol Invasion Staffers   Far more similarities than differences in actions of Colbert staffers and J6 protesters No arms; unauthorized entry into Congressional offices But J6 labelled ‘insurrectionists’ and being thrown in jail/solitary confinement, with recommended jail sentences as long as 16 years for non-violent actions Colbert staffers will face no...

America Has Reached NO Compromise Zone   The ‘no compromise’ list of issues is growing Gender transitioning of children Open borders Voter ID Hollowing out the US military Defunding police; decriminalizing everything thru leftist DAs Climate change=>absolute control of life Vaccine mandates   ‘Middle ground’/room for compromise disappearing Politicians in the 1850’s tried to ‘kick...

Climate Truth Explosion   SEC proposing to expand public company require disclosure re effects of climate change on business operations Eminent physicists/professors/climate experts from Princeton and MIT reply on the record “AS CAREER PHYSICISTS, SCIENCE DEMONSTRATES THERE IS NO CLIMATE RELATED RISK CAUSED BY FOSSIL FUELS AND CO2, THUS NO SCIENTIFIC BASIS FOR...

Hispanics & NYT: “Far Right” Lies   Hispanics naturally gravitating to MAGA agenda Culturally – church-goers, pro-life Recently elected TX Cong. Mayra Flores ran on “God, family, country’ Several more Hispanic candidates running in TX as Republican NYT/left insists that people must be defined by skin color and ethnicity…Hispanics = Dems Christians, in...

ABE’s Mission & Assassination   Shinzo Abe assassination a deep ‘culture shock’ in homogenous, low-violence Japan Abe a model of a ‘nationalist’ conservative…sympatico with Trump Pro-Japan, anti-submersion of Japanese identity into globalism Anti-alarmism re climate change So far, little evidence suggesting assassination was an organized multi-party operation Confessed assassin appears weirdly, mistakenly motivated...