Why It Matters

Trump Special Master Ruling Threatens Dems   Appt of Special Master for Mar-A-Lago Raid blows up DEM gaslighting May also blow up DEM plan to indict Trump before mid-terms Circumstances could not be more ‘special’/justified for appt of Special Master First ever raid by incumbent President against past President (broke nearly 250 years of...

Biden Sticks Taxpayers with Student Loan Debt   Loan forgiveness of any kind is not costless…it is not really about ‘forgiveness’ Somebody bears the burden of unpaid debt, and it is not the government It is the American people, who suffer inflation and cultural dysfunction while Biden seeks to win the youth...

GOP coming in, Fauci OUT   Fauci’s resignation is not the ‘ordinary course’ event he is spinning He would like to escape accountability for the covid debacle, but he can’t and won’t “Excess mortality” DATA is overwhelming the federal bravado and approved ‘narrative’ Life insurance companies cannot-- Escape the financial consequences of unexpected payouts,...

American Crossroads: People vs Powerful   RNC and DNC increasingly recognized as private clubs controlling the people Not grassroots political organizations reflecting the people Funded by monied, global interests… Out of touch with core American patriotism Impervious to the needs of everyday people Impervious to the gut-level instincts of the American people on law and...

America’s Plight Captured by the Tragedy of Liz Cheney   Not a tragedy she lost her GOP primary by 37+ points; that’s a healthy correction for Wyoming Not a tragedy that dynasties/personalities like Bush/Cheney have been routed by voters The tragedy is that Liz Cheney is so deeply entrenched in the politics of personality...

Mar-A-Lago Raid: What’s Next   Political signs point to indictment of Trump following J6 model of allegations…but— DOJ/AG is recklessly misreading the mood and intelligence of the American people Raid on Mar-A-Lago…transparently political Warrant demand for every document for Trump’s entire 4-yr term…transparently political DOJ refusal to release affidavit supporting the warrant…transparently...

Occupied America Reports   Reality of occupation:  America is being governed by an administration that did not win the election …and is pursuing an agenda against the will of the American people …and no institution in America will stop it, while many institutions facilitate it Five glimmers of hope The Pit Tina...

Trump as Sage Elder Statesman   7+ years of legacy media propaganda still mesmerize some readers/viewers Legacy media readers/viewers taught to see Trump as monstrous villain Taught so as to actually cringe at Trump appearance and voice YET— Trump’s statements on Mar-A-Lago raid and aftermath deserve to be read Trump’s video on America in Decline...

Constitution & Rule of Law: Down, NOT Done   America’s founding ideal—individual freedom and responsibility under God, not individual subservience to the rule of men—is the most radical foundational concept of human govt The Declaration’s “all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights,  ”endowed...

The Destroy America Agenda Marches On   The singular challenge facing America: Believing that Biden’s destruction of America agenda is PURPOSEFUL Americans are typically patient, tolerant and optimistic Give each political party the benefit of the doubt as to good intentions RESULT:  Americans inclined to believe policies and actions are just poorly thought through; ...