Why It Matters

Dem Governors are showing that TDS is a very dangerous disease. Have we spent our way into socialism? The American spirit of getting back to work is starting to stir. American goodness is rising to the occasion; always inspiring....

The lies told by the MSM TDS media are beyond the pale; there has never been anything like it in American history. Dr. Robert Epstein is a courageous liberal; his expose of Google's manipulation of the electorate is the act of a true patriot. COVID-19 statistics are there for everyone to see...

Is NY Governor Andrew Cuomo going to be the Dem nominee for President? Events seem to be pointing that way. Retired Air Force Brigadier General Robert Spalding has been sounding the alarm about the malevolence of communist China since long before the COVID-19 development. Worth listening to...

Pelosi's behavior in larding up an emergency relief bill with leftist restructuring-of-America plans is unconscionable, despicable. Konni Burton is all-in to provide a very useful right-of-center source for news in and about Texas. Listen in. Virus fear is destroying the ability to reason; the data doesn't support the panic. A...

Leftist' mockery of prayer and faith is out in the open; Americans can see it, and reject it, more emphatically than ever. Rich Higgins is one serious thinker. The leftist lies just never stop, and they are causing more Americans to wonder what's really going on....

Joe Biden's encounter with Detroit factory worker Jerry Wayne was a classic; it's worth remembering exactly what it represented. CoronaScams are on the rise; hysteria brings out the worst of humanity. Be alert!...

Lies and disinformation continue to proliferate with coronavirus coverage. We're battling hysteria more than anything else. Hans von Spakovsky has informed and needed perspective on a variety of pressing issues. Why are CV recoveries not getting more attention? Maybe St. Patrick's Day will introduce a little more of the needed American...

Biden and Bernie shared a snoozefest; uninspiring, no energy; all political calculation. Neither right for America. CoronaPork is an embarrassment; Pelosi knows only one game, and that is politics. Crisis just means opportunity...

President Trump is leading like an American President ought to lead in a time of crisis--confident, taking strong actions, expecting success. And the MSM is beclowning itself; competing to generate the most hysteria, and agonizing over the 'racism' of calling the origin of the virus: China. Wow. We...