Why It Matters

The last thing this country needs is more government stimulus spending. President Trump likes to go big, but we're way past big already. Can't do it; shouldn't do it. Americans are going to have to dig out themselves. America's drift toward a police state has been swift and...

Americans need to emerge from 'emergency mode' to long term freedom mode. Virus infection and death models are no more reliable or accurate than climate change models. Anthony Fauci should not be a sole source of medical expertise; the guy is not deserving of idolatry. China is at work exploiting what they appear...

The COVID-19 rescue bill and its proposed successors are starting to look like 'fundamental transformation'. Trump needs to back off. Listen to Steve Moore, a voice of economic sanity from an American patriot. History is likely to find the reaction to COVID-19 to be an overreaction, and a blow against freedom....

Raymond Ibrahim won a long-deserved speaking spot at the Army War College. This is good for America. Lt. Gen. Steven Kwast is a national expert on the importance of the Space Force. Investigations will be necessary after the virus dissipates--especially of the WHO. And laws are going to need to change in...

Mike Lindell, CEO of MyPillow, may have made himself a place in American history books with his remarks at the White House. An American Patriot. Americans are being called to remember or relearn their heritage of freedom. Inalienable rights are inalienable, no exceptions. Nancy Pelosi is also making her mark...

Dem Governors are showing that TDS is a very dangerous disease. Have we spent our way into socialism? The American spirit of getting back to work is starting to stir. American goodness is rising to the occasion; always inspiring....

The lies told by the MSM TDS media are beyond the pale; there has never been anything like it in American history. Dr. Robert Epstein is a courageous liberal; his expose of Google's manipulation of the electorate is the act of a true patriot. COVID-19 statistics are there for everyone to see...

Is NY Governor Andrew Cuomo going to be the Dem nominee for President? Events seem to be pointing that way. Retired Air Force Brigadier General Robert Spalding has been sounding the alarm about the malevolence of communist China since long before the COVID-19 development. Worth listening to...