Why It Matters

The infrastructure bill is an irresponsible, out of touch, insane farce. GOP Senators who voted for this??? Tune in to hear Jim Simpson - author of a new book exposing (again) socialism. The January 6th insurrection narrative is not standing the test of time. The Women for Freedom September 18 conference will...

A Tennessee mom demonstrates the moral courage that will save America. Tune in to hear Kevin McGary, and new voice supporting every black life. Biden and Blinken are inviting the UN racism 'experts' to investigate the USA. Why? What good will come of it? America has a new Olympic heroine: ...

The Arizona election audit is ground zero for exposing fraud in the 2020 election. Who is acting innocent, and who is acting guilty? Tune in to listen to Lori Stillwagon Roman, President of the ACRU--the conservative alternative to the ACLU. A fourth DC cop associated with January 6th commits suicide...

People need to see the big picture and not just the individual battles. The left is at war with America. Important battles: Jan. 6th prisoners; voting integrity, covid lockdowns. Americans are re-learning the rare and precious concept of individual freedom....

Election audits have been proposed in Texas' 13 most populous counties. EVERY TEXAN should support this. Seth Keshel is becoming a household name and a national hero. Tune in to learn why. Macron had to back off from his vaccine passport because of populist opposition. Keep it up....

The founder of the 1619 Project thinks Cuba is the most equal society in the western hemisphere. That's all you need to know to reject the 1619 Project. The French and the Aussies and even a few Los Angelenos are waking up to covid tyranny. Good. The Dems are loading...