Why It Matters

“I’m offended!!” is the new rallying cry of a culture that has lost its way. Bad manners and rudeness are one thing, and they can be handled by mature individuals. But competition in the arena of ideas is a different thing, an American thing—and it needs to be...

President Trump’s leadership on the honoring of veterans, as President and as a civilian, are stirring a helpful and positive idea. The MSM’s relentless ‘hate Trump’ campaign is just ridiculous and overwrought. Lots of anniversaries to keep in mind: Kristallnacht, the fall of the Berlin Wall…and the 2019...

There’s never been a Presidential fighter like President Trump. For those preoccupied with studying his personality, he’s a challenge. For those who see the America he’s fighting for, that has been nearly destroyed by the Swamp’s elitism, he’s a hero. The America he’s fight for is red, through and...

Phil Gramm, former US Senator from Texas, authored an important piece in the WSJ on the data surrounding the claimed income inequality of America. A more complete picture shows a remarkably different picture…and points to better policy. ABC News and the rest of the MSM are utterly, totally and completely...

Americans are rightly skeptical of public professions of conversion to Christianity, but Kanye West seems sincere—and the ramifications are enormous, and potentially very positive for America. Lee Smith has made a huge contribution to saving America in his new book, “The Plot Against the President”. Americans struggle with the notion...

Ilhan Omar’s endorsement of Bernie isn’t surprising, but their cultural Marxism is based on lies and manipulation, and will never be accepted by informed Americans. Decriminalizing ‘petty’ theft is a new progressive trend—and it is absolutely certain to produce disaster everywhere it is implemented. Common sense is all that’s...

Public (government) schools’ sex-ed curriculum enforces a secularist religion. Reject it. The whistleblower/impeachment charade is Coup Plot #2; every bit as fraudulent as Coup Plot #1, the Russia Collusion nonsense. Truth is about to crush the plotters. Nationalism, rightly understood, is absolutely, quintessentially, American. Speech codes are transparently coercive, manipulative and...

President Trump’s visit to Chicago exemplifies his boldness as a leader; he will speak plainly of elephants in the room, including out-of-control crime in Chicago. The reopening of Nicholas Sandmann’s case against the Washington Post is a good thing for America. The press should not have the liberty to lie. Lies...

Baghdadi as “austere religious scholar” is not a mistake; it is a vivid illustration of an MSM that has no moral bearings. Sidney Powell is fast-becoming an American heroine. Her filings on behalf of her client, Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, are putting the federal government’s egregious behavior in full public...

Sane American adults need to take over this transgendering-of-children nonsense. It is barbaric; insane. The Dems’ impeachment steamroller is off the rails and doing tremendous damage to the country…perhaps exceeded only by the damage done by the coup participants about to be exposed by Barr/Durham. The words ‘lynching’ and ‘civil war’...