Why It Matters

Don’t buy for one second the narrative that President Trump is dividing America. President Trump is thrilling and reinvigorating America, and leftists hate that he is succeeding. They are projecting all sorts of their hatred onto Trump, but Americans see through it. It’s the left that is...

Eliminationist rhetoric is dangerous and profoundly un-American, yet it is being embraced by the leftist Democrats while they hurl the label at President Trump. Americans can and must see through this. Texas churchgoers dramatically illustrated the saving power of being armed when confronted by evil. Virginians may soon wake up to...

A truism: a picture is worth a thousand words. In this case, a Trump twitter meme is worth even more. The Democrats are out to get….America as founded, and Americans who love America as founded. It’s that simple. And that profound. The fight...

Readers of this page already get it; the need is to wake up as many Americans as possible who don’t. This impeachment is a leftist assault on America; it is lawlessness from the law-making body of the federal government. Americans are going to have to stop it. Socialism is...

Judge Emmet Sullivan issued an inexplicable denial of Michael Flynn’s motion to compel the production of exculpatory evidence. This injustice needs to be overturned. Will Americans learn the right lessons from Pensacola? DOD Secretary Espers doesn’t offer hope. This impeachment mess will not scar President Trump, but it will forever...

Boris Johnson’s historic win in the UK is a harbinger for the US. The people are rebellious towards a ruling class that treats them as ignorant barriers to what the ruling class has determined is best for the ignorant masses. Impeachment is very consequential, but opposite to the way the...

Citizens of the UK want their country back. Ever heard of such a thing? We’re in a worldwide movement to reclaim the rights of the individual vis-à-vis the ruling class. Our bet is on the individual. Impeachment rolls on; our ruling class betters try to thread the needle of what...

Hillary has taken the Russia Collusion hoax she generated and paid for to ludicrous lengths—she now calls just about every political opponent a Russian asset. The woman is dangerous. Joe Biden taunts an Iowa farmer who dares ask him a question about corruption. MSM coverage? To ask the...

Asking a court to rule on a claim of executive privilege is now the impeachable offense of obstructing Congress, according to Democrats. Say goodbye to the Constitution if these insane Democrats get their way. The impeachment scam is a pathetic joke; a stain on America and the rule of law....

Not enough attention is being paid to the incredible, roaring economy that has resulted from President Trump’s initiatives with tax reform and trade policy reset. The Pensacola debacle is beyond outrageous; Americans MUST force their leaders to wake up. IG Horowitz’ report has set the table well for Barr/Durham, and Barr AND...