Why It Matters

Why Trump MUST Fight   American media deigns to ‘declare’ the race is over and Biden won Ruling class elites – Mitt Romney as Exhibit A – rush to join the MSM declaration This is pure psy-ops for the purpose of inducing surrender by the American people Election 2020 reeks of fraud...

Beneath the top line of the ballot, an awful lot of good things happened--Senate stayed R; House gained in "R's"; minorities shifted to "R". Makes any reasonable thinker wonder: was the top line count legit? Tune in to listen to Frank Gaffney...

Media corruption, bias and lies are now complete, undeniable and unforgivable. We are watching an ongoing fourth coup attempt against Donald Trump and against the American Republic. Americans cannot accept this. Kyle Shideler was onsite in Washington DC on election night...

Americans need to rise up and insist on an end to the leftist' resistance. The left is not about political debate and compromise; it is about power, censorship and intolerance of any disagreement. These are simply anti-American. Dr. Everett Piper is always insightful about the moral and spiritual dimensions...

If there's going to be a dark winter, it will be because medicine has become so politicized. It's increasingly difficult to find any 'science' behind any government or Big Tech actions regarding covid. Dr. Urso has some interesting thoughts on the case-demic...

Amy Coney Barrett seems likely to be a powerful, positive addition to SCOTUS. Her reverence for the Constitution appears unlikely to be swayed by which way the political winds are blowing (unlike John Roberts). She should be confirmed. Joe Biden's inclinations toward extending the tyranny of covid masks and...