26 May Why It Matters – The May 26th Show
Everyone is invited to become an ACWT member! There's no better group of American patriots. Tune in to listen to Dr. Peter McCullough, a very well-informed physician...
Everyone is invited to become an ACWT member! There's no better group of American patriots. Tune in to listen to Dr. Peter McCullough, a very well-informed physician...
Biden and Blinken are openly embracing a Marxist agenda and worldview. No one could seriously argue that the American people voted for this. Tune in to hear Congresswoman Yvette Herrell from New Mexico...
FB's takedown of a pro-Israel FB page exposes some very ugly attitudes at FB...
Woke-ism is not benign; Americans need to reject it, firmly. Covid 'administration' is a confusing mess. Dr. Fauci has not helped. Attorney General Merrick Garland seems intent on making millions of patriotic Americans into terrorists...
Maoism is running amok in America; it has no place under the Constitution. When traditional, patriotic military leaders speak out about their nation in peril, all Americans need to pay attention. Hamas' rocket attacks against Israel are state-sponsored (Iran) terrorism. There is nothing to negotiate....
Liz Cheney has embarrassed herself, but she may never realize it. Tune in for an interview with Toni Brinker--a great supporter of the blue...
The 'Sovietization" of America continues...
Wokeness is killing America; it's a bunch of lies. The 'miss' on the April jobs report was historic, and bad. Biden's policies are running the economy off a cliff. The WaPo hit piece on Russ Ramsland came out...
CRT is re-introducing segregation in America. That's totally backwards. Tune in for interviews with conservatives who decided to stand up and run for local office (including one running on a message of rejecting CRT. Marjorie Taylor Greene is the next interesting guest on tomorrow's members only show...
Liz Cheney, Mitt Romney...