Why It Matters

Race Hoax in VA: McAuliffe CANNOT help himself   According to VA Governor candidate Terry McAuliffe: …Everything was fine until parents started complaining about CRT… …CRT not being taught in VA schools…[a bold-faced, outright lie] …Parents have no business complaining about what schools teach… Discredited Lincoln Project stages racial protest hoax to trigger black...

Fire Fighters: Call it Communism!   Epoch Times feature on NYC protest by police/firefighters includes revealing PHOTOS The protest signs are NOT all about vaccine mandates The protest signs are against the spread of communism Police, firefighters and American people everywhere are connecting the dots… Pandemic fear-mongering is for the purpose of...

VA Governor’s Race: School Rape & Parents’ Rights   Obama goes to VA to denounce ‘fake outrage’ of parents over convicted rapist who took advantage of boys-in-girls’-bathrooms insanity Dem McAuliffe on record dismissing parents’ rights to challenge school boards VA Dems are testing the limits of election theft; their audacity knows...

‘Let’s Go Brandon’   NASCAR/MSM reporter wants to deny what the crowd is shouting (“F*** Joe Biden”)…suggests the alternative “Let’s Go Brandon” – …and the rest is history FJB chants at public events are not stopping; they are spreading EVERYONE knows what ‘Let’s Go Brandon’ means; YT is helpless to decree it away ...

Merrick and Mask Madness in America   AG Garland has officially unleashed the FBI on American parents who object to the teaching of CRT because CRT teaches children-- To hate each other because of the color of their skin, and To hate America AG Garland’s son-in-law is co-founder of an education...

FBI Targets Parents   Nat’l School Board Assn president pens letter complaining about parents opposing Covid policies and CRT, Claims CRT is a college topic, not taught in K-12 AG Garland responds with instructions to FBI to investigate American school board meetings for threats of violence Threats of violence against school...

Scheller the Hero?   The story of Marine Lt. Col. Stuart Scheller Publicly denounced lack of military accountability for disastrous Afghan withdrawal Soon arrested and put in the brig, now facing court-martial Patriots donated $2M to help defend him Spouts off negatively about Trump for failing to unite the country; disses Trump...

Vaccine Steamroller   The vaccination decision is personal and private…those Americans who have chosen to take it and those who have chosen not to take it are free people, deserving of respect But pay attention to what is happening… YouTube blocks all ‘anti-vaccine’ content Even doctors posting about their actual results with actual...

Propaganda Power & CA Sex-change-for-kids law   Fresh from ‘defeating’ recall, Gov. Newsom signs legislation adjusting health insurance law: Permitting children 12 years of age or over to pursue gender transition… Without knowledge or consent of their parents (the insurance policyholders) Americans must see this radical leftism/propaganda for what it is and what...

Defending America   Despite bleakness and darkness in every direction…take heart. BRAVERY is rising. Millions worldwide are ON FIRE to resist what is happening; ranks are growing, every day New US leadership gelling around America v. NOT America—not about politics as usual Courage has never been more essential, and it is being...