Why It Matters

Shutdown protests are spreading, and the Constitution is supporting them. The founders and the people will win, not the wannabe tyrants. Congressman Louis Gohmert is an American treasure. Tune in to be reminded why. When the elites rail on home-schooling, that's your first reason to support home-schooling....

Joe Biden will not be the Dem candidate for President in 2020. Senility is not his only problem; Tara Reade is also a problem--not just for Biden but the whole Democrat Party. Leftists' demand to 'follow the science' except when the science says to re-open America. Let's hope Michael Flynn is...

America's re-opening effort is too tentative and cautious; there is still too much fear relative to the actual facts. We're going to have to face the truth sooner or later--evidence is accumulating that Americans were duped into over-reacting to the coronavirus. We must adjust; we do not stay stuck on...

Americans must put their collective foot down: the Constitution was not terminated or suspended by this or any pandemic. The would-be Democrat tyrants all over this country must be reminded what it means to be American. Lt. Col. Allen West is always a fount of wisdom and conservative perspective...

In the list of CV-19 bizarre events, the fight against hydroxychloroquine has to be near the top. Evidence of its efficacy is springing up all over the world from many reputable doctors, yet the entire US MSM appears to be united in disparaging it and denying it to CV-19...

President Trump's recovery commission is a necessary idea; staffing it with Jared and Ivanka seems like an unforced error. But Trump is not afraid to be a leader, and he is entitled to go to advisors he trusts. Here's hoping the commission acts wisely and quickly to get...