Why It Matters

Famous Navy Seal Announces DETRANSITIONING   Navy Seal Chris Beck ‘de-transitions’ from attempting to be a woman Now demands a stop to any and all transitioning of children “Trans” ideology has been sweeping the USA and the globe Seems akin to the mesmerism and mass psychosis of covid fear… …as illustrated especially when a super-masculine...

TWITTER FILES EXPLOSION   Musk’s exposure of the ‘Twitter Files” causes major weekend upheaval, still reverberating Legacy leftwing media refuses to cover the story, but they can’t stop the spread of it Twitter Files show active collaboration and ‘collusion’ among Twitter, DNC, Biden campaign to control relevant presidential campaign news Criminal intent to violate...

Balenciaga: Perversion so Normalized They Couldn’t See It   High-end fashion magazine Balenciaga went all-in with glorification of sexualizing children Repulsive photos of children throughout recent issue of the magazine No chance whatsoever that magazine editors were clueless…they know their customer base Public uproar forced ‘apology’ from editors …but not b/c this is...

Arizona Election Update: Cochise Won’t Certify, Mohave Does Under Threat   Arizona remains ground zero for exposing and honestly dealing with obvious election fraud Maricopa County Board of Supervisors defied the people and the evidence and went forward with certification of obviously flawed results Read Emerald Robinson’s Substack: “Is the Federal Government Rigging...

Maricopa to Certify?   Board of AZ’s largest county has descended to unspeakable arrogance, abject dishonesty No idea how many Arizonans disenfranchised by voting machines on 11/8 Election Day No acknowledgement of screaming conflict of interest in having Katie Hobbs in charge of her own election ‘integrity’ No possible honest path to...

Thanksgiving:  Thanking God for America   Thanksgiving a uniquely American holiday Not just thanks for food and shelter and other material comforts It’s always been about giving thanks to God for family and freedom, including freedom to worship God…even before there was a country called the United States of America And now…Thanksgiving should embrace...

Trump is In: Patriots Should…   …Remember:  November 2024 is two long years away—but America is already at the brink Open borders consequences yet to be fully felt…terrorism, crime Inflation still out of control Oil and diesel shortages imminent; Food supply disruption possible Ukraine, Taiwan, Iran – very volatile and a leftist cabal...

TX Gov Abbott (finally) Declares an Invasion at the Southern Border   Kari Lake has been promising this action for months in campaign for AZ Gov Abbott is never the leader, but often a good follower…this is a right action for the times Declaration of ‘invasion’ opens up legal powers not otherwise available under...

Lessons from the Coffee Shop Moms   A Friday gathering of Moms and babies at the coffee shop offers hope and frustration HOPE Normalcy of marriage and motherhood is still alive in America Innocence, purity and unlimited potential of loved children is inspiring A Friday morning moms group gathering still a time for...

Red Whimper or Matrix Manipulation?   Polls show 70%+ of Americans very unhappy with direction of the country …but ‘red wave’ did not materialize in November 8 elections America’s historic, at-the-crossroads-level, pivotal question:  Why? One answer will lead to a new iteration of debate about messaging, candidate strength, voting blocks, advertising, community outreach, social...