Why It Matters

The totalitarian instincts and intentions of the modern left are on full display, even at Mar-a-Lago. American free speech rights are being trampled; Americans had better wake up. John Guandolo is one of America’s leading experts on Islamic doctrine and its implications in America. Study up at understandingthethreat.com Chicago is...

The MSM will never let you know, but Trump is reaching many black Americans. A recent WH Summit for young black leaders included a very touching prayer by a young Ethiopian woman. Trump is carrying out the agenda he ran on. And it takes dead aim at the ruling...

Swedes are leaving Sweden…and it's all about a disastrous refugee policy. Yet Dems in this country want to do the same thing. Trump is right to say no. The choreographed whistleblower impeachment circus is collapsing in the corruption and criminality of—Adam Schiff. Pompeo is having none of it. Trump’s...

Trump’s “COUP” tweet is spot on truth; and every engaged American patriot knows it. That’s why ‘impeachment as cover’ or ‘impeachment as coup’ are not going to succeed, even with the MSM and NeverTrump chorus chiming in and piling on. Barr and Durham are nearing full exposure of...

A lot of Americans under age 35, and some others, apparently find the ideas of Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders to be appealing. These ideas are not just bad; history and common sense tell us they are dangerously and destructively bad for America. Lt. Col. Allen West’s ideas are superior,...

The only thing sure to result from Pelosi’s Trump impeachment inquiry is Joe Biden’s exit from the presidential race. AG Barr in Italy has the left in fits—because Italy is where Joseph Mifsud and Giulio Occhionero reside, and they are at the origin of the coup. This is why impeachment...

The Ukrainian govt was plainly involved in attempting to influence the 2016 election in favor of Democrats, and Joe Biden is up to his ears in corruption. Trump wants to get to the bottom of it, and is even daring to expose the foundational lie of Trump/Russia Collusion: ...

Donald Trump is President because of Americans’ disgust with the Uniparty Swamp. The Ukraine call kerfuffle is about draining the Swamp; the Uniparty wants Americans to believe it’s about Trump. Americans ain’t gonna buy it. The Trayvon Hoax is another fraud many Americans already sensed, and now, thanks to...

At the UN, President Trump has spoken clearly and forcefully in support of national sovereignty, free trade, and condemned Iranian aggression—stances that are strongly supported throughout America. Yet the MSM remains in hysterical, hyper-ventilating, destroy Trump mode….it’s just an amazing phenomenon to observe. We think history will be harsh to...

The invaluable Conservative Treehouse likens the MSM’s Ukraine hysteria to stepping on a rake. The MSM’s arch-enemy Trump will emerge unscathed as the patriot President; their hero—all Dems, including Biden—will be exposed for corruption that most Americans have never heard of. Rake, indeed. Candace Owens is one of ACWT’s...