14 Jul Why It Matters – The July 14th Show
Biden's Cuba policy reveals his true colors as almost nothing else. Tune in to hear Congresswoman Beth Van Duyne...
Biden's Cuba policy reveals his true colors as almost nothing else. Tune in to hear Congresswoman Beth Van Duyne...
Larry Elder and Allen West are shattering the CRT narrative. Jody Hice is shaking up Georgia. Texas Dems are exposing their agenda...
CPAC in Dallas was a huge success. Cubans want out from under communism...
The NYC mayor's race will have two law and order candidates...
Military morale and discipline are severely weakened in the era of 'woke'. Can we recover? Tune in to watch Lt. Gen. Jerry Boykin, who knows whereof he speaks. VP Harris 'border' visit was a sham...
Trump's Ohio rally and Biden's whispering...
The US Senate stopped HR1/SB1...
Senator Sheldon Whitehouse...
Fathers matter to the health and well-being of America...
CRT is awakening Americans like few issues ever have. Tune in to hear Christine Soule...