Why It Matters

Biden Gifts GOP: May Appeal Mask Emancipation   Judge’s ruling was based on lack of CDC authority, NOT on mask efficacy or inefficacy Biden admin punts to CDC…if CDC recommends appeal, Biden admin will appeal ruling Bigger picture: Unmasking reawakens Americans to the feel of freedom…the vast majority will NOT want masks reinstituted, and...

Mask Mandate Lifted: Hilarity Ensues   Lots of video clips of cheering airline passengers…as if slavery ending… Overwhelming majority of Americans support the end of masking Airlines at first balked at following the court rule and bowed to Biden admin TSA announced stand-down on mask enforcement…airlines quickly went along Court ruling went right...

NYT Slams God on Easter   NYT publishes Easter Sunday op-ed (correction: published on Good Friday) urging readers to ‘give up God’ Never difficult to find a writer angry at God for bad things happening in the world This writer was a former Jew, angry at Moses for Egyptian soldiers drowning when the Red...

Schools: Stop Negotiating with Woke Loonies (Polyamorous Gender Fluid Witch Teacher)   FLA teacher proudly announces on TikTok her identity as a polyamorous, gender fluid witch Doesn’t require special genius to understand why this teacher should be removed from teaching children….just requires common sense and moral courage The American people DO know right from wrong;...

Border Busting Numbers & Title 42   Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick delivered disturbing numbers in public remarks yesterday: By the end of a Biden 4 year term, 20% of persons living in the USA will likely be here illegally Let that sink in…. By the end of a Biden 4 year term, 20% of...

Tyranny Rising - Hills to Die On   It is time to draw lines on these issues…the stakes are monumental, historic; getting them wrong means the ‘thousand years of darkness’ Reagan warned about Election integrity – without it, democracy is over What America is – birthplace of ‘individual freedom and responsibility under...

Why Leftists Attack Ginni & Justice Clarence Thomas   Clarence Thomas has NEVER conformed to the way the left insists that all black-skinned people should think and act…he is a classic conservative patriot who happens to be black The left—led by then Sen. Joe Biden—has hated Thomas since his nomination to SCOTUS Thomas...

Time for the 25th Amendment?   “Gaffes” – not a strong enough word to describe Biden’s off-script rantings about: Pursuing regime change in Russia Sending the 82nd Airborne into Ukraine Launching an ‘in kind’ bio-chemical attack if Russia uses such weapons These are not minor ‘mis-speaks’ or harmless errors…they are remarks by the...

Occupied America Waking Up   When ‘government’ is installed against the will of the people When the installed government pursues an agenda opposed to the will of the people When the installed government is destroying everything the people have built for themselves The American people are living in an occupied nation (cf....

“Elections Matter” Update   Evidence of widespread, intentional, surreptitious, 2020 election fraud is mounting. Wisconsin: Former state supreme court justice Gableman found such extensive fraud that he recommended the legislature decertify the election, and wrote that the State AG and Elections Commission “actively resisted and obstructed his investigation.” Arizona: A newly released...