Author: ericgeorgatos

Welcome to the AmericaCanWeTalk Weekly Email for the week ending on Friday, March 4th, 2022!      Click on any of the words in dark red font below to go directly to the show clips described. Mark your calendars now for Saturday October 15th! That’s the date of our Third Annual AmericaCanWeTalk Women f0r Freedom Summit...

My Very Fine Friends,      The single most important commitment every patriotic American must make now is to defend America as a sovereign, freedom-based nation state. That means at the very least defending America's constitution, guarantee of individual liberty and God-given rights, and rule of law.     The reality is that radical Leftists who currently hold power in Washington are engaged in...

Seth Keshel has zeroed in on impossible-except-as-rigged election results in the March 1, 2022 Texas GOP primary. Want to know why Texas RINOs won’t touch a fraud-ridden election system that damn near put the state in the Biden column? Behold: TX Senate District 11 Photo 1: Bianca Gracia (Latinos for Trump notoriety) leads...

Wayne Allen Root steps up again with this post.  The legacy media narratives are just too over the top in their black-and-white portrayals, and when George Soros weighs in so heavily and exclusively in support of Zelensky, it's time to be wary, pull back and examine the big picture.  Root...

News of world-ending fire risk at a Ukrainian nuclear plant apparently turns out to be false.  But it is certainly consistent with the over-the-top go-to-war drumbeat of the legacy media and deep state mouthpieces like Lindsey Graham.  The possibility of false narratives from the legacy media in 2022 is not...

The collapse of legacy media does not mean that the skillsets of honest, intelligent journalism no longer exist.  They just don't exist at the legacy media. The atomization of news-sourcing continues at hyper-speed, and the jewels among the new entrants eventually shine.  "Kanekoa the Great" is one such source (Sundance at...

SOTU Blowback   SOTU speech faces irrefutable blowback from….REALITY     Since Trump left office-- Inflation out of control Gasoline has more than doubled in price per gallon Unemployment is up Wages are down Consumer confidence is way down “Defunding the police” has been catastrophic in every city it has been tried US military...